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6B Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011 Bulletin, Progressive, Record, Reporter
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"The Greater Journey" by
David McCullough
"The Greater Journey" is a
of many
cans who
lived and
In Paris
1830 to
These Americans came
many years after the famous
Founding Fathers who spent
time in France, such as Ben-
jamin Franklin and Thomas
Jefferson. They preceded no-
table talents of the 20th cen-
tury such as Ernest Hem'mg-
way and Gertrude Stein.
This book covers an era,
surprisingly, that seems to be
previously unrecorded.
However, the list of talented
artists, architects, docters,
politicians and others who
came to Paris during this
period is lengthy and
dazzling: James Fenimore
Cooper, Oliver Wendell
Holmes Sr. (the physician,
father of the Supreme Court
justice), Ralph Waldo Emer-
son, Mark Twain, Harriet
Beecher Stowe, Mary Cassatt,
Thomas Alva Edison and
many more.
As the author says, "Not all
pioneers went west." During
that era, Paris was truly the
center of gravity for those
studying medicine or most
branches of the arts, both
for its distinguished schools
as well as for the presence
of centuries of art and •
A number of the famous
Americans cataloged here
came to learn or improve
their skills as painters,
which is a vivid reminder to
contemporary readers of the
great importance of painting,
both of portraits and of
events and scenes, before
photography existed or
became reasonably available.
Samuel F.B. Morse, for
example, was already a well-
known, successful, middle-
aged portrait painter when
he decided to travel to Paris.
It was only after spending
several years in France that
he developed the idea of the
telegraph, for which he is
principally remembered
At first I wasn't certain why
McCullough titled his book
"The Greater Journey," but
as he describes the arduous
effort it took for the early
travelers to sail from America
to France, it is clear that the
sea voyage, typically taking
four to six weeks, was indeed
a great journey.
But, as he says, "A greater
journey had begun ... and
from it they were to learn
more, and bring back more,
of infinite value to them-
selves and to their country
than they yet knew."
In case a reader should
think that the world or its
citizens were different a few
centuries ago, I submit the
following: "With every
passing day, the Americans
were struck by how entirely,
unequivocally French Paris
was. Every sign was in
French, the money was
French, every overheard
conversation was in French
... And how a word looked on
a printed page or menu and
how it was pronounced could
be worlds apart."
What traveler to a foreign
land has not had such an
"American Terroir: Savor-
ing the Flavors of Our
Woods, Waters, and
Fields" by Rowan Jacobsen
In this 2010 title, Jacobsen
applies the
concept of
terroir, or
taste of
place, to
....... jo,:oh0000o terrain.
......................... describes
the way local -- sometimes
hyperlocal -- conditions such
as soil and climate affect the
flavor of food. Jacobsen
explores American "flavor
landscapes" and their prod-
ucts like maple syrup from
the north woods of Vermont.
Along the way he tastes
varietal honeys from all over,
Totten oysters from Puget
Sound and Yukon River
He defmes American broadly
to include all of North America.
Thus, his travels take him from
coffee fields in Panama to
avocado groves in Michoacan,
Mexico, to the potato fields
of Prince Edward Island.
Jacobsen concludes that
taste matters and so do the
places that produce those
unique tastes. "Nature offers
different deals in different
places," he writes. And the
foods he chronicles are
"natural outgrowths of their
environments, and tell us
something fundamental
about life in those regions --
.which, in turn, tells us some-
thing fundamental about life,
One question inherent in
these hyperlocal foods that
he never contends with,
however, is the issue of food
miles. When a chocolate bar
he describes requires that the
cocoa be floated down an
Amazonian river in a canoe,
trucked 1,000 miles to La Paz
and then over a 15,000-foot
Andean pass to Chile,
shipped to Panama and then
to Rotterdam, and then up
the Rhine River to Basel for
processing-- well, things
have gotten a bit ridiculous,
haven't they? Just call it the
Carbon Footprint Chocolate
Bar. True terroir might be
eating just what your local
environment can produce
and process.
Still, I learned a lot from
this book. I'll never look at a
cup of coffee or a jar of honey
in quite the same way again.
"Cagney by Cagney" by
James Cagney
My brother married James
Wg niece.
While I
was stay-
. ..... ing at my
, brother's
house in
!i Simi
Valley, he
' allowed
me to
read James Cagney's auto-
graphed autobiography,
"Cagn'ey by Cagney."
Cagney was involved in the
whole gamut of entertain-
ment, from vaudeville to
television, although precious
little of the latter.
He grew up on the streets
of New York, surrounded by
the widest polyglot of ethnici-
ties possible at the time.
Their lingo stood him in
good stead later on, as he
had heard Yiddish, Italian,
Polish, German, Hungarian,
etc. every day in the streets.
He did not have to study
accents when they were
required in his work-- they
were in his blood.
He was a boxer, an actor,
an accomplished dancer, a
dabbler in playing musical
instruments, a painter, an
occasional poet of social
criticism, an animal lover,
rancher, a ban vivant with
his private friends, story-
teller, always a conserva-
tionist, a liberal in early life
and a conservative when he
became disillusioned with
Truman. (His vote for Dewey
was the first vote he ever cast
for a Republican.)
He was always a family-
oriented person who was re-
puted never to have cheated
on his wife, extremely rare in
the Hollywood of his day.
What comes through in his
autobiography is a man al-
ways dedicated to whatever
job he held. He scorned fame,
publicitY' and adulation, and
he was convinced that acting
was not an art.
He considered acting as
just a job that the whole
world happened to be in on,
but he was well aware that
that job would dry up if he
did not direct his whole
personality to recreating
the writer's concept and
projecting that to the public.
He was not a good manager
of money. Luckily, his
brother Bill was a genius in
the world of money and he
took over James' affairs at
James' request at an early
point in his career.
After putting the book down,
I felt I had come in contact
with the world's most honest
He never brags as such; he
just tells it like it was. He had
good reasons for whatever he
He showed great integrity
in being a liberal, for wh.ich
he does not apologize, and he
showed great integrity in be-
ing a conservative, for which
he does not apologize. Both
came from a love for our
country, its people, its
animals, its earth and what
he Was convinced was right
for the country at that time.
Recent releases that have
crossed our path:
"Where Do The Mondays
Go?" by Patricia Sloan
I heard about this book
from the
whom I met
during my
eternal lay-
over in
Texas last
Illustrated by Daniel
Alexander, "Where Do The
Mondays Go?" is the story of
comings and goings of the
superhero-like days of the
week. The Super-Duper Days'
costumes derive from the
spelling of their names.
A very clever rhyming
book that's sure to captivate
young (and not-so-young)
readers, the answer to
where the days go is quite a
"Harvest the Rain" by Nate
Eco-landscaper, columnist
and blogger _
Downey is ii .-.
the author of
two books
on water
and sustain-
ability, t
"Harvest ,:,_.----
the Rain"
promotes rainwater harvest-
ing to achieve what the
author calls gradual greening
with Downey's how-to
suggestions and tips for
passive and active rainwater
collection and utilization.
Sudoku Puzzle #2331-D
1 2
4 5
8 2
7 6 4
5 1 3
Sudoku Solution #2325-D
516 117 3 8191412
312 814 9,11"151.6
9 4 715 2 '618 113
7 3 416 1 215 819
2 8 619 51711 314
1 9 518 4!316 2[7
4 1 913 7:512 618
8 5 312 61914 711
6 7 211 8 4 3 9Is
: i . : i!i iii: : : i ..... ii:il I: :: :: i: :!" i ": :: i i: : i :: :!i !i: :: !i ::::. :i
: :. : ; .i!!: .i!ii ":i ! ; 7 i :: " '. : : '":'::' i l:'i .U i:::!i ..... i:
1. Russian-built
4. Prestigious prizes
since 1901
10. Farmland unit
14. Chowed down
15. Lucky charm
16. Extinct cousins of
the ostrich
17. Suffix with loyal or
1B. Tiny slices of time
20. On a tilt
22. Rap's _ Boys
,23. Seville "so long"
24. A whole lot
25. Sought a seat
26. German auto
pioneer Karl
27. Morgrel dogs
29. Macbeth's title
31, Actress Bla nchett
32. Three-time
Burmese prime
33. Nest egg initials
34. "It's been ages!"
39. Partner of food and
40. Luau chow
41." Nagila"
43. Mr. Doubleday
46. Bivouac shelter
47. Blast-furnace
48. Curly poker
49. Ox's burden
51. Kama_
52. Denomination
minted in Italy,
54. "1 couldn't care
less" attitude
56. Overlooked by the
58. Former "Tonight
Show" bandleader
60. Cleopatra's river
Sticking Your Nose Into Everything
American Profile Homeown Content
61. Former Speaker of 10. Tori or Wally 38. The whole gang
the House Tip 11.The Iran- affair 42.Thick-brick link
62. Santa_ winds 12. About 57 degrees, 43. Sum total
63. Driving test taker, mathematically 44. Clyde's partner in
usually 13. Dead Sea Scrolls crime
64. 2000 Olympics city scribe 45. It may be in a
65. Ginza cash 19. Bearded former groove
world leader 46. Auto gear system,
DOWN 21. Smith Brothers unit informally
1. tai (rum drink) 23. "Lost" network 50. Peloponnesian city
2. Wor'ds 24. Satchmo's 51. In a somber way
accompanying a instrument 53. Bank claim
handshake, 27. Bags a class 54. M _ "mnemonic"
perhaps 28. Introduction to 55. Brazilian soccer
3. Gains an sex? legend
acceptance from 30. Discuss thoroughly 57. UK lexicon
4. Grannies 33. "What's .__ for 59. Recyclable item
5. Muscat's land me?"
6. Lay one down, in 35. Deadhead icon
baseball Jerry
7. "Don't Bring Me 36. Billion years
Down" rockers 37. Environmentalists'
8. Sappho's island celebration
9. Dutch painter Jan
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