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Bulletin, Progressive, Record, Reporter Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011 5B
McEIrath suspects delay entering plea
Ruth Ellis
Staff Writer
Two suspects being held to
answer for murder charges
in the death of a Susanville
police officer have yet to en-
ter a plea.
Joanna Lynne McElrath
and Robin Glen James ap-
peared Oct. ll in Lassen Su-
perior Court. Laureen
Bethards, who is represent-
ing McElrath, requested that
the matter of entering a plea
be continued to Dec. 19.
Judge John T. Ball
presided over the hearing
and approved the request af-
ter stating he thought that
was a long time for the defen-
dants to enter a plea..
Bethards explained the de-
fense was still in the discov-
ery phase and had received
an extensive amount of dis-
covery that morning. McE1-
rath's co-counsel, Bud Lan-
dreth, was not in attendance
and Bethards said she also
wanted to enter a plea when
he was in attendance.
Lassen County District
Attorney Bob Burns had no
objection to the request. He
confirmed the defense had re-
ceived a "considerable
amount of discovery," and
more would be forthcoming.
McElrath and James are
being held in custody without
bail on charges of premeditat-
ed murder and conspiracy in
the January death of McEI-
rath's estranged husband
Robert James McElrath, 37.
James was her then alleged
They are also being held to
answer on special allegations
of lying in wait and that
James allegedly used a hand-
gun during the felony result-
ing in the death of Robert
McElrath will also be pros-
ecuted on a charge the al-
leged murder was committed
for financial gain.
During the hearing, Ball
said some discovery issues --
subpoenaed documents --
had come to his attention, in-
cluding records from the
Newport Beach Police De-
partment. Bethards asked the
records not be given to the
prosecution until the defense
decided to use them.
Ball asked about her re-
quest to deny the prosecution
a copy as it was normal prac-
tice as well as a matter of ex-
Burns said as soon as the
hearing was finished he
would go look at the court file
and call the Newport Police
Department for his own copy:
After an in-camera review,
with a clerk and reporter,
Ball denied admitting
• records from the Placer
County Probation Depart-
ment. He did order two re-
ports from the Nevada Coun-
ty Sheriff's Office to be du-
plicated and supplied to
Bethards asked why the
records from the Placer
County Probation Depart-
ment were rejected and Ball
said they were denied on ba-
sis of materiality.
Bethards also said she pre-
ferred not to review docu-
ments in open court because
it would affect the defense's
work product. Ball said he
would consider her request.
American Life in Poetry
Ted Kooser
U.S. Poet Laureate, 2004 - 06
Most of us have received the delayed news of the death of a
family member or friend, and perhaps have reflected on lost
opportunities. Here's a fine poem by J.T. Ledbetter, who lives
in California but grew up on the Great Plains. and Game announces upland
bird stamp comp00!tition for artists
The Californ,ia Department Designs will be judged on • upland game bird stamps an- by a panel of experts in the
Crossing Shoal Creek
The letter said you died on Your tractor
crossing Shoal Creek.
There were no pictures to help the memories fading
like mists off the bottoms that last day on the farm
when I watched you milk the cows,
their sweet breath filling the dark barn as the rain
that wasn't expected sluiced through the rain gutters.
I waited for you to speak the loud familiar words
about the weather, the failed crops--
I would have talked then, too loud, strolling the Holstein
moving against her stanchion--
but there was only the rain on the tin roof,
and the steady swish-swish of milk into the bright bucket
as I walked past you, so close we could have touched.
-- J. T. Ledbetter
Poem copyright 2010 by J.T. Ledbetter
American Lfe in Poetry is made possible by The Poetry Foundation,
publisher of Poetry magazine.
of Fish and Game (DFG) is
sponsoring an art contest to
select the design for the
state's 2012 upland game bird
stamp. This is the third de-
sign that will be featured in
the "Encore Edition" since
returning to the use of origi-
nal artwork for the stamp's
image in 2009.
The contest is open to all
U.S. residents over the age of
!8. Entries will be accepted
from Oct. 22 until the Jan. 31,
2012, • contest deadline. The
species to appear on the 2012
upland game bird stamp is
the band-tailed pigeon
(Columba fasciata). The de-
sign must include at least
one adult band-tailed pigeon.
originality, artistic composi-
tion, anatomical accuracy
and suitability for reproduc-
tion as a stamp and print.
An upland game bird
stamp is required for hunt-
ing migratory and resident
upland game birds in Califor-
nia. The money generated
from stamp sales can only be
spent on upland game bird
related conservation pro-
jects, education, hunting op-
portunities and outreach.
Hunters are no longer re-
quired to physically attach
the stamp to their license,
but the stamps are still pro-
duced and mailed to pur-
chasers upon request.
DFG sells about 200,000
LAW, from page 4B
Burton and her four pas-
sengers sustained minor in-
juries caused by flying glass.
Bergman received moder-
ate injuries including deep
Bergman was disoriented
at the scene and was likely
suffering from a pre-existing
medical condition. Neither
alcohol no,drugs were a fac-
tor in this collision.
All parties were taken to
Renown Regional Medical
Center in Reno.
Improper load, Oct. 23
Michelle Meagher, 50, of
Washoe Valley, Nev., was dri-
ving a 2004 Dodge 3500 pickup
truck, towing a 20-foot toy-
hauler bumper pull trailer
eastbound on Highway 70 just
east of Portola in the No. 2
lane, at an unknown speed.
According to the CHP, the
trailer began to swerve side to
side. Meagher lost control of
the Dodge and trailer. The
front of the Dodge hit the
guardrail on the south road
edge. The guardrail suffered
major damage. Meagher
drove to a dirt turnout west of
the collision scene, where she
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and her passenger abandoned
the trailer and left the scene
in the Dodge.
Meagher did not report the
accident. She was contacted
at her residence by Washoe
County deputies. Meagher ad-
mitted to being the driver of
the Dodge at the time of the
accident. During an inspec-
tion of the trailer it was deter-
mined the trailer was imlSrop-
erly loaded with firewood.
No injuries were reported.
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amrta: 4k hea00ne
nually, which includes sales
to collectors who value them
for their artist depiction of
upland game birds. In addi-
tion to the stamps, DFG typi-
cally issues signed, limited
edition prints that are valued
by art collectors.
The upland game bird
Stamp contest will be judged
fields of ornithology, conser-
vation, art and printing. The
winning artist will be select-
ed during a public judging
event to be held in spring
2012. A date has not yet been
set for the judging.
For contest information
and entry forms, visit •
tfh r I am in a tough situation. I need to move out
om a really abusive relationship, but I have three kids
at are in school, I have no money and no job. The kids 'w
have medical coverage through his work but he says that he
will drop it if I leave, and quit his job so that I won't get a dime,
and that he will get the house because it is in his name only
(it was his before I moved in). I don't know what to do.
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