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Indian Valley Record
Greenville, California
February 1, 1951     Indian Valley Record
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February 1, 1951
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What's NEW in FACE for YOU By HELEN WEILL Fashion Editor With spring no more than a breath away, me thinks 'tis time to sit a bit and think-- shout Mine Face; for not only does Dame Fashion, but Auntie Etiquette insist tha My Lady must always "put her beat r  . face forwa u. Never let it be said, that with the newness of color, fabric and $tyie, fashion does not decree the right-about-change of face. And it is a most satisfying thought to know that good old *'natural look' still leads way out hi front. But with this news comes the feminine touch of that soft nat- uralness, almost the lady-pink of loveliness in her choice of a lighter tone of powder and paler touch of lipstick. Oh, yes, much lipstick, even more so, for now it may cover the entire mouth, but it should be a light tone of pink dr orangey shade as suits the skin tones. Cheek rouge, as for the past several seasons, is still My Lady's choice, but must be han- dled even more delicately in re- taining the peaches and cream look of soft feminity. lye8 Have It But if you really want to go all out in artistic effort there is one place where you may have your fling. For the eyes have it; not the terrifically accented doe-eye, as charmed the He-Man of your life this last season, but a more subtle touch of the nimble fingers with cream, eye- brow pencil and mascara. Now the trick of the artist is in keeping the eye natural, and still giving it accent of beauty; for the artists of fashion today all insist that the eye must have deft attention. And some even go so far to say that eye shadow should match the color of the costume. Eye Shadow And here is the scoop on eyes: This eye shadow can be used for day time wear as well as eve- ning, but of course, it must be modified. And here is a tip for you: That since eyes lead, they should have more attention and care than ever before. During bhe wee minutes of rest, that one snatches between engagements, a fair favor to one's eyes is to lie down for as many minutes as stealable, with wee cotton packs that have been dipped into witch hazel on each softly closed eye- lid .... Even though five or 10 minutes is the limit, there will be no regret in the result of quiet relaxation. And then during busier mo- ments, but at home, try eye cream patted gently on each lid --what it does to relax those drawn muscles, and help to iron out nasty wrinkles that are past the laughter stage. "* However, we must remember that though eyes have the dis- tinct attention, they must be sur- rounded by delicate pink-and- white loveliness . . . and there comes the question, how? Well, one famous cosmetician urges --P m corn.reef oC ew Tork DreM xuutute. TELESCOPE SiLHOLrlrTE is one of Mrh tner's offerlng,.for Spring 1951 and his cotton print evenlng dress |n block and white will be among those ihown when 16th Annual Press Week of New York Dress Institute opens tomorrow in New York City. Tunic falls n sca||ops over slim black velvet sheath skirt. Small bolero cuts away from neckline, disguising strapht bodice. that pale face is be achieved by using a make-up foundation that is just a'shade lighter than the powder.... And she adds that the powder used must be lighter than that having been used during the winter months, with only enough cheek rouge added to make or give a "deli- cate pink flush." Lovely Indeed Sounds lovely, and is indeed for some types; but our sugges- tion is that no matter what the definite new style trend is, in setting your "best face forward," if you are the outdoor-type (and she is the envy of all), then by all means stay with the deeper shade powder and foundation that blends with your bronze tones of the sun. And as spring comes on, and your tones deepen, be sure to add a wee deeper color to your powder box, just to be sure, that you, as well as the softer in-door plant, remain in true naturalness to your environment. And along with this lady-like naturalness comes Dame Fash- ion's new trend of hair color. More people seem to be inter- ested in trying new hair tones. Just for a toning up, it might be fun to experiment a bit on color shades, and try some of the ex- citing new hair rinses that are being talked abouL Of course, the still is the favorite, but is a faint "cry in for more and more of the reddish tones, and indeed, do do something for the shades in costumes that dieing to talk about .... But before doing such, is a subject in itself, we say one thing more for My of gentle Feminity . . . and I is a Perfume .... The theme is the thing for it in perfectly with this new gracious trend of And it is decreed that My can find the name of any of her favorite flowers on next gorgeous bottle of perfume or cologne. And does that put her face-forward"? Well, deed, but we like to smell as as see the lovely entrance Lady Spring! ...Train At Home For This WELL PAID PROFESSION- S Urgent need for Trained Pet|e urses. It you are | between 18 and 55, trsdn at home this respected calling. Many | learning. High schOol not Nurse's equipment lnclttded. Mall act M day for FREE Facts Wayne School of Praet|eltl m 155 helfleld, Desk EM-3, Name l Full Address I mmm mm smm m mm m mm -,, m Discover--"YOUR PLACE IN THE SUN" HOBERG'S DESERT RESORT BORREGO SPRINGS SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA YOU'LL WANT EXCITING NEW COOK BOOK FOR ONLY Price Includes Shipping Charges I0O PAGES SIZE 6"x9" LOADED DELICIOUS AND FASCINATING RECIPES BROUGHT ]P'ROM MANy LANDS BY CALIFORNIA'S LEADING GOURMETS Edited by Teresa Mullin, one of CaLifornia's m o s t enthusiastic gourmets, this delightful book gs you a fascinating array of recipes from many of CaIi- fornia's best cooks. Many of _hese recipes were brought here from foreign lands, exotic and taste-tempting dishes from Eu- rope, Asia and the far corners of the earth. Order these books to- day for yourself and yeur frteuds! "Cooking A dventuges, ] Ill North La Clenega Blvd. Room 1/. I I3everly nat., California. Please send me, [ paid, ( ) copies Of From All Nation" at $1 I F.ncled pte nna $. 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