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Indian Valley Record
Greenville, California
February 1, 1951     Indian Valley Record
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February 1, 1951
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Criswell . . . . Poultry Breeding Ih - <C00...Hed Page e> Time Cut by Aid ,, o.o, oW"l co00. *,rough it safely of Measurement • Dear Criswel]: Should my husband be My ,lear Mrs. 1.018: Yes, for you do not Costs and time involved in bays lhe proper facilities in your home. I do not senss that yOU will win in this radio contest. YOU will sell both your bus}nose and your home in 1952. Dear Crtswcll : What do you see for LET THE "CALIFORNIA MARKET PLACE," READ STATEWIDE IN 44 CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS, WITH MORE THAN 80.115 PAID CIRCULATION, WORK FOR YOUI 8end your ad to Hunter Vinton, Classified Manager, Magazine California, 280 Woodside Drive, Red- Weed City, California. Rate: 70 cents per line minimum $2.10--for one weekly insertion. Count Six words to the line, large or small. Name and address eount the same as other words. Remittance mmA accompany order. hsiness and Investment Oppartunities money-making offer: Open any age, with $97b only 12 hours atten- make $150 to $200 not vending machines. P.O. BOX 21C5, name, add., OR LEASE2.7 Acres, 280 101, 9 miles southeast large buildings suitable court, amusement can- manufacturing. Herein A. Estate Broker, 336 South Box 308, Oznard, Calif. SALON. Established business in hotel. Excellent income, Perry Real Estate Del MaX, Calif. & furishing store. A-1 gOOd leaae, seed lines fixtures. A going busimum sad fixtmm STOBJI Coro, Calif. WOodland safe, PePlrwq€l. In the Redwoods. FUlly in living quarters, 11 price, $12,000, approi- down, William I0w, P.O. BOX CaiiL WrOR an the Desert •t • including tora building refrigeration Imd 16000• Tyler B. 1 or 2 mnn lamp in city. Ftab. t910, equilnnent. Priced for quick 0. Box 026, Fuilerton, Phone ,. for 60 Trailers. , blocks from bust- 141 E. 16th Street, Coeta Ph. 6£67-W. SAL]I -- AUTO COURT north Morro Bay near beaela. 50 SO. 6 th St., TAFT, Auto Supply small store, ' about $6000. Close to Long E. W. Johnson, 3T S. Oeeanside, Calif. dairy & ice cream yrJ. Gd. equip. b bus. & Suns• Money maker. N. Maelay, San Fernando. unite and ons 2 bedroom Modern. $300 Per month Owner. Box 41t, Gridley, EUa DEPOT 0rd. 28 stool fountain lunch ,5000. Wonderful opportunity. Calif., Bus DepOt. BB gas and cabins on 99, a yr. Good lease. Price Brugger, St. 1. BOX 948. Delano. In town• Good locution. Low 5000. Fixtures, invQe 414. Gridley, Callf: bags, Cats, Pets be£Utiftl, S IIOJ. OM, ehample Dtmbarry ttmmpiom of Bellehaven sad Storm Cleud. ene are ]?upa. Dr. Weht,er• 1TJ ,te San Jose, CY 3-3B.3. • Retriever" l:ppie ;, 528 F rVet Phone DAVIS . SAINT BERNARD PUPS Cedar Lane Ranch. Calif. Will deL of qunl! Real reg. pup. sired I.Ockdals Tn. Tlk. Cor. inv. 124 Laurel, Vallejo. P}L 88323. Machinery C. B. Hay bean bar- end feed, in very good J. Vierra, at. 4, Eox California. Instructian Airline Positions Available 99 per cent graduates placed with major airlines. Air hostess, ticket sales, reer- ,ations, communications, secretarial MARSHA TOY SCHOOL 6305 Yucca St., HollywOod HO 9-3139 HOTEL TRAINING Hotel Clerk training by Home Study, resident school privilege later if de- sired. Free emp. sere. WHITCOMB HOTEL SCHOOL. 11045 L Eroswlky, .LoS Angeles 15, Calif. LEARN BARBERING. Enrollments now open, approved for Veterans, a growing proration. MOLER BARBER COJ- LEGES, 472-9th St., Oakland, 161-4th St., S.F. 311-J St., fae. 1832-Kern St., Fresno, & 265-So. Main St., L.A. C4kL BE a Reweaver o French Weaver. at home. E. Z courses. S.A.I No. 19, 0S Valencia, S,F. 10. Poultry, Chicks and Equipment Protect your investment and profits with Nd[MEdg STRAgN 'hlte  (bicks F  IRby Bby nm Pletl Coekris January ....... 18e  2 Fe4rnary ..... 19 38 20 March ........ 19e 38e 20 Norse Poultry Farm & Hatchery Rt.. 1. BOX 192-A ITOrco, Calif. ACCEPTING orders for Goslings, delivery as hatched. Toulouse $2.00; White Chi- nese $2.75; Embden $2.50; African .0; Buff $2.50; 8ebaetopol .b0; Pagrim $3.50. Order •OW to insure deliveiT early. Cwufll with order; no C.O.D. L• C. RONEY at. 1, BOx 363 C Beaumont, Calif. Livestock FOR SAI,--- Brahman & cro bred ealvee Ecelltmt quality stOckers & feeders• Car- load lots. AUBREY GROUSKAY, Tovrea Stoskyards, Phoenix, Arlgo Offic phones 4-7794 & 3-2131. Night phone, -255S IE GISTERED J]'TS 15 ms. bull, ready for service, sand- son of Brampton, worM's ZCord. By appt. Only. EL-PA-D]L RaM. at. 2, BOX 316, Saugus, Calif. AX-11257, L.A. phone. FOR SALE--600 White Face Springer cows. %'averly Brown, Williams, California. Phone 2062 Autos, Trucks, Tractars HORSEMEN ATTENTION! D, luxe custom G-horse van, steel. Body truck cbasIs, 8-cyl. Ford truck• Eme, cab. over motor, 25,000 mL Side ramp, easy to load & handle. Xint. cond., pr!ee q00. F. W. Ketebam, 24 hefflek,I Dr., ta. BarbaX• 987S4• INTERNATIONA'L II KS-12 Duel Drive with two axle logll0er dolly. Splendid ee- dition, $8250. International K-8 () gx6 mechanically A-I condition, $1750. TRUCK SALES dk EXCHAG 2818 Cypress St., OklMl. Twinoaks 3-3475 Personal Wlk]: DON'T MIS£ }-our Hand- weavers Bulletin, sub,cribs now, $2.00 It. year. Mail-order service on yarns. Agents for Norwood Loom. P.O. Box • 18, San Anselmo, Ca]lforoJg. 4gale HOW ARE YOU? Want to get well7 Join Ibis society and receive free advice that wJil rid you Of arthritis, neuritic, he&cl- oches, constipation, heart trouble, d- orders of the liver, stomach, sinus, kid- eys. nerve and other eonditto• Write for full particulars. No mep feeJ :No dues! Join now and get well! Health Education Asaouiatio. IAL 376 Elli t. San Francisco, Calif. UNWANTED HAIR Erlieated from any part of tl bedy with Saeo-Pelo. a remarkable dlseovsey of the age, Sac0-Pelo contains no itm- ful ingredients, and wLn deA'o Lha b root. LOR - BEER BORATORIF 079 Granville StreW. Vaaoouver, B.C. FRIENDSHIP HOME for the aged. Loving care. Excellent food. Homelik ur- rotding• 75 miles east of Ban Fran- ciseo. Reasonable rates. Phone Mgntee MT-13X. Rt. 1. Bog 8, Ulm  Lathrop, Calif. Farms and Ranches 2569 ACRES COTTON GRAIN STOCK Located at Summit Lake South of Riverdale. Over 1000 ac, Groin already up. One large, two smaller wells. Also excellent gravity. Water rights. Very fine combination cattle, grain and cotton layout. 1/S down, balance over 20 years. This i an excellent opportunity for a large operator. L. M. BLAKELEY 770 D. St., LEMOORE, Ph. J5961 87.5 Acres 4 Mt. West of Triangle Lake on Hy 3, 30 acres permanent pasture, ood barn 4" flooring; chicken house & rooder, garage, 3 bedroom shake home, modern, hardwood floors; circulating furnace, large rooms, wash hote double laundry tray; spring water.  modern cabins, automatic gas heat, cooking; Slce to build more. Will sell cabins separately. Halfway between Eugene and Florence, Ore. Harold White, Blachly, Oregoa. FOR SALE BY OWNER--72 acre mountain home 2 miles north of Glendale, Ore. 7 room modern house; 4 bedrooms; a acres under cultivation; 4 acres tn young fruit trees and berries, under irri- gation, water plenttftfl. Reason for Jell- ing, ill health. $1O,000,  each, rest terms. Write P. A. MeL Oanyonvilks, Oregon• it 700-ACRE STOCK RANCH WITH six- room modern home, electricity, SPrig water piped into hse, inside toilet and bath, 40 &eros tillable, I00 acres of bottom can be irrigated. 3 creeks on place. Pr. $45,000. Courtesy bokers. Some t. Jam Gourley, BOX 30@, Suther/in, Ore. POULTRT and almonds, 12 aere near Chloe. Net last year over $1O,000.g). Price $27,f0.00. For this and other Northern Sacramento Valley property, write Chritennen, €/o Roth nnd Gay, Chic.o, California. 70,000--230 acres Cholce row crop land planted to sugar beets the past sencon. Good wed, pumps lS00 gallons per minute. Good barn, I0 room house, other build/haS. Mile " from Madison, ]L'oJo County. C, Anderson. ACRe, 4-room completely furnished modern home. Orchard, 2 wel. Ideal climate. Kluchka, at. 3, BOX iI, Moek- ingblrd CFn., Riverside. /hle pries $8500. SSa. X. avocados, orangu, grain land. 2 modern homes, outbuildings, plenty water, frost free. $37,500. Owner. /.,ester Garceau, mona, Calif. ACRES avocados. Vlta's t looatlon. 400 big trees, 20-too cp est. Good house, L40,0O0. t cash. Guy Hill, 30 /So. Ba•ta Fe Ave.Vista, CaUfornin. Real Estate -- Miscellaneous GRAS VALLEY two-bedroom insuintod mountain home (garage) $8500. Cannot be reproduced for $13,000. Grand view. Away from city-coast-valley heat. floods, smog, eabotase. Illneu force riflce. Owner, BOX 85, Marysvflie Highway, Grass Valley, Calif. Phone 86-R-11. RENTAL Property, four acres irrigated. Three modern dwelling with garages. TWO pressure systems, barn, chicken house. Pri $26.000 Terms. R. F. D, Cottonwood, Calif. VERY CHOICE ocea front corner. Located opposite entrance to €ty owned $200,000 pleasure-fishuig pier & lne beach. 150 ft. frontage. Ideal for stores, hotel, etc. For g quick Sale only |200 per front ft. LEO J. HIES, Rltr., Oceanldo. SELL or Trade eqUity in meal. 2-bedrm. desert home in 29 Palms. Concrete bloc const., tile roof, corkstone floors, tile kit., double sink. EleCt. range. Lots of cupboards. Shade nnd fruit trees. $9500. Terms. Write at. d, Box 4, Bakers- field. FOR SALE---S bedroom 'ouse, 2 baths, floor heater, large basement, 50 foot Iot, / mtlo from Ocean in CAmbria Pln'es. Price $7500. P.O. Box No. 791, ATASCADRO, Calif. TEAR round mt. home. All conveniences, schools, etc. SO. Fork Consumuss River. F. A. Croen. 1511 26th St., Sacramento, Calif. 1 A. or 5 cholce bldg. lots. I th4 city of Reno, Nee. $6000 full price. P.O. Box 544, Ojal, Calif. Plants, Seeds, Etc. CERTIFIED Ladino Clove€ led, from Grower, 81.4@ per pound. Uncertifled, $1.30. F.O. $. O. MoMatl  2, Box 1520, Maryevilte, Calif. ISS0 CROP LILLY EULd Write for low prtee lint. TERRACE FLOWER NUItSEA%T Arcata, Cilforn/ Wanted to Buy WANTED---OLD CAP.8: Mercer, 1atlon, Stutz, ]Pope Hartford, jley umw, Loeomoblle or other makes, also BUgEm, surreys,  Mus/e Stoma. Whl Blku, or otker antique,  amy eendRlon that would b • mmmma i. Fhms give oompiete informatlem a# to eoaUon and pele#. Addrem eem4m ]. Gswold, 4di01 9t& Av ierto. Cat. / Yard Shovel, Beyere, trade for late model pickup Wolf Creek Garage, GREEN- BEAN ROYAL 55 with auto- booms and nzzle. Exseilent i3, North Alvlso Rd. }it. Phone Yorkshire 7-28;k3. and blacksmithing equltmlent trade. R. C. Mahaffy, 1427 Leandro, Calif. to Trois Denver and Colorado prop- r California. Whnt d trade. Bylsma, 621 Coop Colo. Miscefluneaus ]DTS delivered to tans&. r length, unloaded en the aad Nevada. O'ders takes from 8ave this d for future reer- poultry breeding to produce the most profitable egg size may be me': P.M.R. Vacavllle. My dear .M.R.: YOU will take a trip east ,very soon which will work out fine. You shouM also slow Up a bit. and take boiler care of yourself. Dear Criswell: How sOon will I retire? V¢iIi Mother's health improve? Gloria H. My dear Gloria H.: By August 1951. Yes. You will sell your home later. Dear Criswell: Will I be able to clear tLe mortgage? H.A.W. No. 2, MiU Valley. My dear H.A.W.: Yes, by early spring. You will also marry in 1952. Dear Criswell: Why did I fail in my marriage? J. Louisa H., Lone Pine. My dear Louisa: DO not feel too badly ahoul your so-called failure, as even a alnt could not have lived with this im- ossible man. YOUr finances will be good t ut more careful plannlng will be needed to et yOU on more Olid fOOting. YOU v'i)l be very pleased with developments in Aprll. Dear Criswell: Are we legally married? r. n(l Mrs. R.P.R., [ndio. ' My dear Friends: I do not feel that our divorce was final from your last hus- and, and I would have a lawyer search tills GOt at once. Dear Crlswell: I am nins years old and onder if my father and my mother will ever live together again? Mary Elizabet fl R.. Pat terms. My dear Mary Elizabeth: Tee, I reel that they w{)l he bek together again soon. Q: Will I sell my property soon V.M., Fairfield. Dear V.M. : Yes, b7 the 18th of March, and all cash price. Dear Crlswell: Will  move eoon? V'i}l we have a happier home life? Will hls boy ask me ot? Miss Colleen D., Fortunt. My dear MiSS 19. : Tes, by February 24th, and things will grmatly improve all around. This boy and other boys Will ask ynu, and yOU will soon md that yOU wll become very popular. You will not marry •ntil ISr. Dear Crinwell: Am I doing right tm leaving here? Frances P., TehnchaPL Dear i: Tes, you will find that yon have made a wise choice, but you will return here at a later date. Dear Cr{vell: How much longer before this estate will be settled? F.S.T., Hemet. Mr. Dear T. : Tml will find that by April 10th, ttd will I cleared away. To• will find ttt iods in due Use. X Iten no money buried around there. Dear risweB: W411 my husband's eye ever ke well agalo? 3re. M.F.H., Bltl. My  Mrs. H. : Yes, a nw treatment will e•re him. TOil rlll Nil yo•r 1o1 ery 1 ]day 17th. The  Une will be lt in rmt of your place. Dear CriweIl: Will mY book on western L.J.: Tou will fldsh th tmek next  and you writ be able to get tt llbllst'd,  first ue a mug's- . zie ortal. Te  ell Imur home la March. Dear CreTl: rl R wise to seek this transfer DOwT Lee C.T., Pass RObleL My dear L: Not t the prese•t time, but tblns will  out r your mtts- f&c(lo velT 1. Yot" brother-in-law livinS h your hme will not be too pleas. ant. Tour sister-in-law will take that vneatlon. 'r14ng took very golM rc you this coming year. Dear Criswell: Shmt]d I refit Emmc? Carl S., Sce'g• My ear Carl: Yes, you Gould never he baer than you will be with your new wife. Emm will .s]ways remain • flirt. -' Dear Crlswell: Will or n n- ditins improve? M.J.H., Oakdale. My dear M.J.H.: They will groW" a l|ttle mo desperste befot- they grow bettr. Tnu will  make a ntovo from te Ioallty by early mtmmer. Dear CrtsweH: Win my fnm/IF stop this fighting with each other? No one Igl a haplY ward arwad my home a•d my life Is a llvlng hell. Mrs. F.:R" F., emet. My Denr Mrs. 1 Tou will be sble to overcome thls t]e by not allowing more than €me member of Tour family to visit at a tin. TbJa  be • pollce ae- itch, ar will make them rea] their OWn short comlnge. Dear Crlswerl: huM  ehane dootore for my husband and ayneif. Helen S., Eltp. My .r elen S.: Yes,  wi seek other medical oplulone, and this time from a cilnte md-by. Tou Jl] both feel m•ch better very soon. Dear Crlewtl: Will this very ar friend of ours get bur Imbiee Imek? Why la her family we tatrT Mrs. . D.. Indelp.mdence. My Dear Mrs. J. D.: Yes. but there will be meh bitterness. There are really tWO sidrs to this storF, but th eot't will decide In  favor. Dear CriswH: How long will my present h last? O. T M., Lane.stor. My Dear O.L.M. : Unttl Feb. 10. You win rm have some victors. Dnr C'vell: Will I marry the man I love? M. F,. Delaao. My 13ear M. F. : I mmse that this is not fte t mrY and you  wry follt to waste ur time. Dear CYlewell: T own five  Of land rigttt t town. Is R true about the new *velolmmen •nd should X mill now?. Mrs. Witl,•m ,.. Hea... r-BUSINESSES FOR SALE'- I MY ]Dear Mrs. WIRIS5 T:  develo1. me.t will take place in mid-1961, but yea | FR C£TALOGUE -- FREE I w}l hem year property and be able to sel It for a very good 1es. Things look I  ef aM kinds of Cali(mla  I very good for yOU and  woud' |    by owmn0.  d¢e, .Sl | fmny in 9L I  ,,. mm,. ddruese, p.h. I Dear rlweH: wm we all this plaesT I lmNno, Ok, NO obDsm. Seed t4by  I wa*dsl.wiil,ththe -rnyepuaonLeal: lo, ,-- | BU$1NB$ BUYEWS G4J{Dt  | My Dear 1erased: Tlie place will Iss sold | 4101 Wee# Jrd Street, Lse Anoelss 9. CIN. | yur husband win need cheat attention, • rid very hegel. r C'tell: Wff] my foot be bled? My Dear Ml*m (]. : Tee, but th,'e will be a new tyle of treatment used. Yes. Dear Cswell: ow . win I receive - .  pea, B, tim. ,ead . .Urn l#gL pre {s 18 mom otd all is lie LI day it  from f. cmmte uiw! We have to make t@em for mew equipment. AJdm off$N0, but will eender eMnome TIlE lqlK BANON NtlNIT reduced by using a simplified system of egg measurement ree. ords, according to I. M. Learner, associate professor of poultry husbandry, University of Califor- ni College of Agriculture. Records of egg weights must be kept in an efficient breeding program to help select stock for breeding. Some breeders keep insuffi- cient records, but more of them spend too much time and money keeping o v e r - elaborate egg- weight records, according to Lerner. Average Breeder The average breeder weighs many more eggs than necessary to Judge the merits of a bird. "Although the weight of egg produced by a pullet will vary over the year, there is sufficient correlation between weights in different seasons to permit selec- tion of birds on the basis of measurements in one season only," Lerner says. Recent studies indicate the average weight of eggs produced during five consecutive days in November is an adequate esti- mate of the genetic value of a bird for egg size. This limited measurement cut costs, enables evaluation of pub lets before they are a year old, and speeds up breeding pr grams. In ease where significant dif- ference occur in seasonal egg size, additional spring measure- ments may be needed• But there is no indication that this situa- tion occurs frequently. thlg k* your favorlle newspaper, the • 4es will Iva reached you. Dear Criswsll: Will my next chad IN & boy? Mnl. Abeer G.. Tulelake. My Deax Mrs. G. : NO, it Will be a fflJ, and  will me her Marttut after yOU husbaltd'e Inother. Dtr ell: T don't think you Dr@- , dl.ed for 11 correctly. Go back end mY letter &gain. Mrs. Ve]ma F.. Uklah. MF Der Mrs. F: 1 st'Ill predlct tlmt ]ro will marry come one in tle poultry DttSi tht spring, and you w{ll him through mutual friends when tak short trip. CrLsweli: Will my health ImloT ,J. D. A- l., Vncav/lle. My Dear Mrs. R.: Yes, but you w151 fOliOS" the (looter'8 orders very earefy. Tour •ext Gtdld will be a boy, a it fl be b in AUgUSt 1951. Dear C'ilwell: What must I d? W'SL. llam P. H., Wfllit. MY Dar Mr. H.: There will be m money hie, de from real estate, but in tl  yon will do some type of - ettueUon work and later go into eivit here- lee. Your health will be ever so much ket- te in 1961, I know that you will hays great LUumlnatlon and progress great. ue y0 have much spiritual power. DO be misled by false teachers who come to yOU. You Wlil reach a new pinnacle I July of  eog year. (rtweli will be happy to answer your personal prob- lems through the eo|umns o Magazine Calffornia--Addrm  Street, Bakersfield, Calif. All answeI will Im published as space permits.) FATWITlt JOY If you're i.  them b.nd awi.g, ,dc,- sr  ?eradtty- indigeatlun, bmm--tal Aeoel Take tle VON'$ TJb- LK" and dly joy food aSsln ! lgnV bleed relid! Known to thousa.ds over pa 20 Feaxl--Take VON'S---IHSS a doctor's pro- o@ethig, promptl eseva Jagredieut No rigid llquld diet. set bl tiNg. At am druglore VON'S PINK TABLETS